The Hilltops Car and Bike Show is being held again on November 30th at 9:00am, in Carrington Park co-inciding with the Cherry Festival weekend, held every year in Young NSW.
The show is open to all vehicles regardless but with an emphasis on Classic and Vintage.
There will be no trophies but there will be a very large amount of entrants, lucky number raffle with prizes and vouchers from all sponsors.
Dave Curtis said this is the second time the Club have run the Show alongside the Cherry Festival now.
“There’s no entry fee to enter or spectators, there’s no trophies as such but there will be a major raffle for all the entrants.
There will be food, ice cream and coffee vans.
The event will run from 9:00am to about 2:00pm as people will want to go down to the parade,” he said.
“There will be 100 year old vintage engine displays as an attraction. Last year we ran it for the first time and with only two weeks advertising we got 88 vehicles.
This year we are hoping that we can double that.
“It’s been advertised in Goulburn, Canberra, Yass, Cowra, Harden, Coota, Wagga, Griffith and Leeton, so I’m hoping we can get well over 100 towards 160 cars and motorbikes there.”
This year, the team are looking to improve on things from last year and make the event as good as it can be.
“We have the community bus and it does a loop from the Showground to the caravan park to the railway station and they have included us in the free transport to get between the venues as part the Cherry Festival.
-Jack Murray