Starting on October 14 and continuing through to December 16, the Young Lions are hosting a Twilight Soccer Competition 7-a-side at Miller-Henry Oval. It is $60 per player and a mixed opens comp.
Glenn Payne, Organiser, elaborates on the competition and what it offers.
“There are two nights, the Monday is for seniors and the Thursday is for primary and secondary school kids and we will be playing at Miller-Henry Oval, which is the old Burrangong Oval as it has lights,” he said.
“The senior competition is a team-based competition so you can nominate teams and it is open from 12-13-year-olds upwards, as it allows families to play together as it’s a social-based competition and has been really well received in the past.
“Thursday night is our primary-aged kids as well as our lower secondary aged groups.
We will accept individual registrations and then there’s a few senior parents that come together and they put some teams together which will make them more even and they will learn more skills. It’s more about learning skills than anything else. When they get a bit older they have those skills and it’s something they can use in the winter even if they don’t play soccer then.
Registrations are through the link on the Young Lions soccer Facebook page.
“The Monday night comp starts on the 14th and the Thursday night starts on the 17th October. It has been really well received in the past and we have had some positive feedback.
“People enjoyed it and it’s a good thing socially, particularly the Monday night senior competition. It’s played in the right spirits and there has been some good soccer.
Everyone is on board just to have a bit of a social time and a kick around.”
Glenn says there won’t be too much difference between the two age categories.
“It’s basically the ages of the players. In the past what we found in the past is we have run the senior one and only opened it up to have an 18-year-old plus, but then we found a bit of feedback that families like to play together, so if the mum or the dad wants to play and they want their kids to play or vice versa they will put a team together and that’s why we went down to 12 and we don’t want to go any lower than that based on safety.
“The junior side is more of an opportunity for kids that might not have played soccer before and we have had a few rugby league kids and they enjoy it and it teaches them different skills. They know it is played in the right spirit and they get to play with their mates who enjoy it.
“The Junior competition will basically go for the length of Term 4. The Senior competition goes into early next year.
We have from October to the week before Christmas and then we restart with that competition in the first week that school goes back in February and it goes through to about the middle of March, just in time to stop for the winter season.
“It’s really good for training and it’s a really good social activity.
“The twilight competition is sponsored by Trimech in Young. They are a refrigeration and air conditioning company.”
Jack Murray