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Australia Day Young 2025

Junior Citizen of the Year – James Payne, Citizen of the Year – Bill Kearney, Sportsperson of the Year – Georgia Wheeler with Mayor Brian Ingram and Ambassador Michael Tomalaris.

A large crowd gathered on Sunday in Carrington Park to celebrate another incredible year for our town on
Australia Day. Gathering in the park at 8:30 am, The Rotary club and the Girl Scouts group provided food and drinks for the day. Following the proceedings of the morning, locals were entertained by Live music from Luke Jewitt and Children’s entertainment by Just Circus Box.

The day began with Julie O’Connor singing a beautiful rendition of “We Are Australian” before MC David Munnerly welcomed Wiradjuri descendant Makali Tonpi for the acknowledgement of country. David then introduced Mayor Brian Ingram to begin the citizenship ceremony, which is undertaken in many communities nation- wide each Australia Day.

This year in Young saw Jenifee Roberts earn her citizenship “Citizenship is a common bond which unites Australians, Today marks a special and important day for our conferee for today she will become an Australian citizen” “Australia welcomes you and everything you bring to Australia today and your new nation says welcome home” “your citizenship is about making a contribution you are about to undertake a new responsibility” “Australian citizenship represent full and complete involvement in our communities and culture” “by pledging loyalty to Australia and its people, we hope that you can embrace the culture that you are becoming a part of.”

Jenifee pledged her commitment as a citizen “From this time forward, I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.” Mayor Ingram continued “I welcome you as a citizen of Australia and I congratulate you on your decision to become an Australian citizen”

The crowd then joined Brian in the Citizenship affirmation ceremony. This ceremony is a way to show you are proud to be Australian.

Following this event Julie O’Connor sang our national anthem accompanied by the Young Town Band. David then introduced Our Australia Day Ambassador, Award-winning Journalist and presenter, the face of world cycling for SBS television, Michael Tomalaris. Michael spoke on the importance of Australia Day and the pride that comes with being an Australian. “I’ve had a long career covering Australian cycling and today I am fortunate enough to be your Australia Day Ambassador. I do everything that I do as an expression of appreciation for this country, Our Country.

I have travelled a lot over the years for my job and to many different countries and this is the best country in the world.” “We have friendship and community as we are united as Australians. Australia has a diverse dynamic scenic outback as far as the eye can see. We have the best, most pristine beaches in the world, we have health and a hospital system that allows us to live long and fruitful lives” “Australia is a melting pot of different cultures, the array of different cultures, foods and experiences” “we have the best coffee in the world” “Australia isn’t perfect but unlike some countries where a difference in opinion could result in a prison sentence or a civil war, Australia handles its issues sensibly and with professionalism ” “Australia Day should be used to unite us all and share the love we have for our country and our land” “Australia is the land of the free and we should never take our freedom for granted” “enjoy Australia Day this is a great day, we are the envy of many many people from different countries. Share the love, enjoy the freedom and make this an Australia Day to remember”.

Mayor Ingram and Mr Tomolaris present Australia Day awards. For Sportsperson of the year Miss Georgia Wheeler. Georgia is a 13-year-old student at Young High School who has represented both Young and the Riverina at the highest levels of competition over several years in various sports, including State level gymnastics, National level Athletics, State level cross country and Riverina-level touch Football and Netball. But swimming is where Georgia really shines. In July of 2024 Georgia competed in the NSW Country short course championship where she won five gold medals. Georgia also broke several NSW country and school swimming records and earned a silver medal in the 50m backstroke.


New Citizen Jenifee Roberts with her family.

Georgia’s dedication and commitment to her sport are evident in her hard work and early mornings.

The winner of the Junior Citizen of the year award was presented to Mr James Payne. James was recognised for

exceptional leadership, community service and commitment. Completing his Higher School certificate in 2024, James served as Hennessy College captain. He led a successful fundraising initiative for a social justice program in Cambodia, Helping raise $6,400 for building houses in a rural village. He put himself forward and contributed to several pastoral, spiritual, social justice and sporting events, receiving numerous academic, sports and community service awards, including the prestigious Gold House award.

The winner for Citi- zen of the Year award was Mr Bill Kearney. Bill is a beloved community figure in Young with a lifetime of dedication to his family, business and local organisations. Bill was born and raised in Young and ran a successful menswear shop which is now leased as just jeans. Bill was awarded this honour for his commitment to community service spanning over many roles. Sponsoring sporting organisations, community, church, school, hospital and disability services through his store. Helping at St.Anne’s Catholic School while his children attended there from 1969 to 1988. Volunteering his time and skills at his beloved Young Golf Club, of which he is a life member. He has written a book about its history for the 100-year centenary and organised the Wiradjuri Golf Day in 2016 which earned Bill the Young Australia Day award for community event of the year in 2017. He also volunteers and hosts a sports radio program and reports for the Young Golf club at 2LF Radio. As a member of the Catholic community in young, Bill is heavily involved in many outreach programs, fundraising, parish finance, day-to-day opening/closing of the church and support for the local priests in their ministry. His life’s work exemplifies the spirit of community service, always putting others before himself.

Bill was very proud to accept this award stating “Winning this award feels tremendous, my father was the citizen of the year many years ago, I am so happy to be acknowledged for what I have done for this town.

“We are all very lucky to live here. It’s a great town and Australia is a great country” Bill is an only child and thinks he is very fortunate to have not had siblings growing up.

“I take a lot of pride in my work and community activities such as running pickleball on Fridays. Over the past few years, I’ve seen the town change a lot businesses come and go and things are always changing in the next year I’d like to see all the stores on the main street filled with viable businesses and see the town beautified and spruced up a little bit”

“I am always motivated to be among the community as I’ve lived here all my life and want to contribute as much as I can to see the town grow into a larger hub.”


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